Mexican coriander
The young leaves are eaten raw in salads, the seeds have the same use as those of coriander. Flavor is more pronounced than traditional cilantro
Technical sheet
Latin name Eryngium foetidum Type Aromatic place of culture Balcony/Terrace/Garden/Kitchen Growth Type Annual Exposure Sun Height 15-20cm Spacing
15-30cm Germination 10-15 days Sowing 0.5cm Harvest 90 days Réussir le semis
Son semis est facile. La germination intervient en général en deux semaines. Semez les graines dans un mélange léger sous abri et à une température d’environ 20°C [minium 12°C]. Dès que les plants ont atteint 4 à 5 cm, vous pourrez les repiquer en place. Sa culture n’est pas très facile car elle demande beaucoup de chaleur pour prospérer. Au Québec, il est plus facile de la cultiver en pot dans un endroit chaud.
The leaves of the mexican cilantro tend to be quite tough. Choose the youngest and remove the main rib. You can use it raw to flavor a salad or with meat or fish. They are also used cooked as an infusion in broth or meat in sauce. In Southeast Asia and South America, it is used in particular for soften the flavor of strong meats. The flavor is essentially the same as that of the traditional coriander but more pronounced. The leaves dry very well and keep their color after drying. So you can enjoy it during the winter.